December 2022

The UGS acknowledges the positive elements of the provisional agreement on the inclusion of shipping in the EU ETS and calls for the adoption of suitable global measures

The Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS) acknowledges the positive elements of the outcome of the negotiations between the European institutions regarding the inclusion of shipping in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The agreement refle…

The UGS acknowledges the positive elements of the provisional agreement on the inclusion of shipping in the EU ETS and calls for the adoption of suitable global measures Read More »

Aligning with 1.5 degrees: Managing the risks and opportunities for shipping and the companies in its value chain

Shipping’s value chain can expect continued pressure on targets and commitments until it clearly aligns with an IPCC-derived definition of the steps needed to avoid temperatures rising above 1.5C. This pressure will come both from the policy process at…

Aligning with 1.5 degrees: Managing the risks and opportunities for shipping and the companies in its value chain Read More »