International Shipping News

Commercial and crew factors driving evolution of ‘floating offices and homes’

The accelerating digitalisation and increasing connectivity of shipping is seeing vessels transform into floating offices and homes, with benefits at both the commercial and crew welfare level. This year’s edition of SMM Hamburg saw Inmarsat Maritime h…

Commercial and crew factors driving evolution of ‘floating offices and homes’ Read More »

Convergence around a smaller number of options during the last GHG meetings before approval, put the IMO in a strong position to drive an energy transition in international shipping

The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee 82nd meeting has concluded with a large amount of work remaining. However, negotiations are still on track for an agreement on a new MARPOL text (Chapter 5 of MARPOL Annex VI) that enshrines new mid-ter…

Convergence around a smaller number of options during the last GHG meetings before approval, put the IMO in a strong position to drive an energy transition in international shipping Read More »