Cadets for the EMSSTROM project where recruited at the college level from different maritime institutions in several regions of the Philippines.
From 1998 unitl 2012 the GGT MS “Emsstrom” mbH has been successfully conducting training programs for Cadets from Deck and Engineering departments and Cook Trainees for the catering department. The objective of these training programs was to furnish the prospective officer with practical and theoretical training in a northern European environment prior to their assignments on board new and modern vessels and to widen the available pool of suitably qualified management level officers. All candidates had to satisfy the entry requirements for their national license examination. Before acceptance, they passed a rigorous selection procedure which includes a personal interview as well as written and computer tests.
The program was divided into 3 blocks of one year each. Each block consisted of:
- 3 months theoretical and practical training on board the MV “Emsstrom”
- 7 months training on board a commercial vessel (in groups of two)
- 2 months vacation with additional mandatory training courses in cadet’s home country to fulfill licensing requirements.
This system ensured that the cadets received effective training that satisfies the requirements on modern vessels. The training progress was recorded in Project Workbooks, Daily Training Record books and Training Record Book. The records are an effective tool for the ship’s command, instructors and training supervisors to monitor the progress effectively. After completion of the program the cadets apply for licensing exams in their home country. Upon licensing they where deployed as active officers and engineers (without the typical long wait in the junior ranks!)