Shipping: Emission Possible

EU Fit for 55: ‘Contracts for Difference’ can incentivize zero-emission fuel investments and accelerate the shipping sector’s decarbonization transition

Over the next months, the European Union (EU) is introducing a range of policy and regulatory proposals related to the shipping industry as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package. The package is aimed at achieving the decarbonization goals set out in the Eur…

EU Fit for 55: ‘Contracts for Difference’ can incentivize zero-emission fuel investments and accelerate the shipping sector’s decarbonization transition Read More »

MTF report shows pathway to achieving industry consensus on the safe use of ammonia

A new report from the MTF’s ‘Project Ammonia’ examines MTF members’ views on the applicable international safety regulatory framework for ammonia as a marine fuel and its future development MAY.04.2022. Houston. The Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) ha…

MTF report shows pathway to achieving industry consensus on the safe use of ammonia Read More »

Shipping decarbonisation shout for new technologies: developing passive air lubrication

In 2019, the European Green Deal was adopted to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by reducing the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 50% by 2030 and reaching zero net emissions by 2050, compared to 1990s levels. To achieve cl…

Shipping decarbonisation shout for new technologies: developing passive air lubrication Read More »